Just My Type is just the ticket for Christmas

Ten weeks until Christmas. Seventy shopping days, so plenty of time for forward-planning of those print-related pressies.

I intend to develop a list of inspirational items of this ilk, so we in the business can do our bit to generate some seasonal print beyond cards and giftwrap.

To which end, I give you Just My Type a new book about fonts written by Simon Garfield and published by Profile Books. It hits the shops next week.

I'm part-way through reading an advance copy of this jauntily-designed volume, and it's shaping up to be an entertaining romp that throws up many a fascinating font fact, ancient and modern. I'm sure there are hundreds of people in the industry who'd enjoy reading it, and it brings to mind Lynne Truss' Eats, Shoots & Leaves in the way it takes a specialist subject and makes it appeal to the general public.

There's also a reproduction of the periodic table of typefaces on the end papers, an item that's available separately as a poster via Squidspot, and is in itself a possible addition to the Christmas list.

Just My Type is also something of a feat of font management and pre-flighting, because every time the text mentions a font family it changes into that face, and more than 200 typefaces are used in the text itself - can you imagine the potential for boo-boos?

Plaudits, then, to James Alexander at Jade Design, credited with design and 'font wrangling' on the title (the cover was designed by Peter Dyer). Padstow's TJ International had, by comparison, the relatively straightforward task of printing the 352pp hardback.

So. Forget Halloween and Bonfire Night. The Christmas list compilation has begun. I have a few other print-related items in mind for the list, but am always on the lookout for more. Please get in touch if you've spotted a print must-have that merits inclusion.