
Quality, rapid turnaround, convenience, and price performance are key in canvas production

Why canvas prints still define custom wall art

Once seen as vulnerable to its showier luxury competitors, canvas has defended its share of the custom wall decor market with its forward-thinking approach to traditionalism.

Buyers appreciate the chance to personalise their home decor

What does the future hold for canvas prints?

Canvas prints have been trending for years, but what are their prospects longer-term in the wider industry? One custom printing specialist based in the UK,, has shared its forecast...

Beese: the secret in diversifying is in the finishing

DecTek diversifies again with finishing spend

DecTek has significantly expanded its small-format finishing and embellishment capabilities as it looks to lean heavily into more new growth areas as it reaps the rewards of post-pandemic...

The updated free app features new dashboards

Roland DG updates monitoring app

Roland DG has updated its machine monitoring app, Roland DG Connect, to boost functionality and expand the portfolio of printers it can manage.

Last year’s Hackathon was won by five students

Print Hackathon seeks future-proofing ideas

The European Graphic Arts Hackathon, set for next week, is inviting teams to submit ideas that will help shape the future of the print and graphic arts sector.

Toner woes blow up, but it's not all bad news in September

This month's most read listicle might be dominated by Konica Minolta's consumables challenge, but investments, flexible working, the resurrection of Timsons presses and a trio of print tenders coming...

Your August & September Printweek is out now. The 'New Normal Issue' is jam-packed with all the usual news and views as well as thought provoking long reads, not to mention a special feature on the Printweek Awards...

The issue's cover feature, from the Product Portfolio section, gets under the hood of how the pandemic has accelerated development of remote servicing technology and what it can bring to your...

The Arizona 135 GT has a top speed of 34.2sqm/hr in "sellable" Express mode

Canon sets sights on diversification with new flatbed

Canon has launched a sub-£60k entry level UV-LED flatbed targeted at new entrants into wide-format and established players looking to diversify.

Tracey Koziol: Customers rely on us

The three-pillar strategy to accelerating customer success

A partner, not just a supplier. Three pillars to build a strategy to help you accelerate success.


Our April and May 21 ‘jabs, jobs and inkjet' issue is out now and as usual it’s stuffed with thought-provoking insights, business critical info and all the latest news and views from the UK print industry...

As life and the economy take further faltering steps towards normality, the new issue of Printweek looks at two hot, post-pandemic topics: do you need a vaccine policy for your teams and how to update...