DPS Digital provides inspirational example

Jo Francis hails DPS Digital for its engagement with the Shaw Trust.

This is a real feel-good story. And also one to make you stop and think.

Okay, perhaps a few individuals out there will have undergone the sort of expensive health screening that is supposed to flag up possible future ailments.

But for most of us, an episode such as that suffered by Kevin Pinder will come out of the blue. One minute, you’re happily tootling along to work every day, the next you’re embroiled in complex medical treatment and facing a potentially long road to recovery. And you’re unable to work.

A shout-out, a hat-tip, and a hoorah must go to DPS Digital for its positivity and foresight in engaging with the Shaw Trust, which helps disadvantaged people find work.

As a result, Kevin is now gainfully employed once more, and able to use his print skills in a supportive environment.

An inspirational tale indeed, and one that will hopefully inspire other print businesses to do likewise.