
GDPR tempers Royal Mail letter volume expectations

Royal Mail Group continues to anticipate letter volume declines related to the potential impact of GDPR and its continued effect on business uncertainty in the postal group’s latest trading update.

Royal Mail revenue up following strong Christmas performance

Royal Mail has reported a group revenue increase of 2%, driven by a “good performance” over Christmas.

'Major advance' in Royal Mail pension negotiations

Having halted a planned 48-hour Communication Workers Union (CWU) strike in October, the Royal Mail has issued an update on recommendations for worker pensions and pay.

Letter volume woes continue for Royal Mail

Letter volumes are continuing to decline for the Royal Mail, in spite of efforts to redress the issue, while parcel volumes remain on the up.

Howard Hunt teams up with NSPCC for Letter from Santa

Howard Hunt Group has collaborated with the NSPCC to provide the print and mailing for the charity’s 'Letter from Santa' campaign.

Three-fold ability & textile techs

Joanne Gardner tracks down the solutions to your technical troubles