Industry bodies

Print shines among Warrant Holders

Earlier this month, under an uncharacteristically blazing hot sun, 60,000 visitors converged on the pristine gardens of Buckingham Palace to celebrate the best of British.

Two Sides challenges rival NGO's paper claims

Industry lobbying group Two Sides has hit back at a rival paper NGO's "questionable claims" about the sustainability of paper.

Spending review receives mixed response

Industry heads have called for the government to maintain investment in business, following the Spending Review on Wednesday (26 June).

Small businesses on a high but need more government help

Confidence among small businesses has risen to its highest level in three years but the government must give more impetus, says the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB).

Don't ignore warning signs of staff strife

Disciplinary and grievance.' Two words your average print boss will be none too fond of, standing as they do for pretty much everything that could go wrong with a company HR-wise.

Interview: 'It has always been about excitement'

It's fair to say that British Printing Industries Federation (BPIF) chief executive Kathy Woodward is passionate about print.

Volume drop doesn't tell whole story

The news that paper volumes are in almost free-fall decline, will come as no surprise to anyone.

Launch of BPIF graduate course hailed by industry

Around 160 people attended the launch of the BPIF's graduate management programme in London last week.

Late payment inquiry reveals plight of SMEs

Business organisations have given evidence at a parliamentary inquiry into the practice of late payment and its impact on UK SMEs.

Prime yourself for a paperless ticket revolution, say experts

If government plans are realised, paper travel tickets will disappear, but this is not necessarily bad news for printers.

BPIF management programme to kick off this month

Around 100 learners will attend the official launch of the BPIF's Graduate Management Programme at a one day event in London on 30 April.

Intergraf calls for level playing field on EU Ecolabel

European print asscociation Intergraf has called the EU Ecolabel for printed products "costly and administratively constraining" and called for a change in the way it can be applied to printed...