


40294 results found

Landa And Gelato Collaboration Announcement Henrik M�Ller, Gelato (Left) With Gil Oron, Landa (Right)

Gelato reveals Landa collaboration and ESP partnership

Gelato and Landa Digital Printing have unveiled a new collaboration between both parties, while ESP Colour has separately partnered with Gelato to Implement GelatoConnect across all modules.

Drupa24 Entrance Messe Düsseldorf Ctillmann

Drupa sing-a-long

With Drupa into its second week, exhibitors should by now have nailed the new Drupa song ‘Let us Create the Future’ – but just in case not Printweek is here to help with a handy sing-a-long guide.

Benny Landa Birthday Presentation Drupa 2024

Landa sets retirement date

Benny Landa has celebrated his 78th birthday at Drupa, and the industry innovator and entrepreneur also revealed his plans for retirement.

Eproductivity Software Booth At Drupa 2024

ePS takes wraps off Nubium

eProductivity Software (ePS) is promising “rapid deployment” for users of its new Nubium cost-efficient, cloud-based MIS with some customers up and running in merely a matter of hours.

Denmaur Machinery

Denmaur passes 200k tonnes of Carbon Balanced paper sales

Denmaur has achieved a milestone 200,000 tonnes of Carbon Balanced Paper sold since the company adopted the scheme in 2016.

IGS Received Four Titanium Cutters From JWEI

IGS prepares four more Titanium installs

Machinery supplier International Graphic Supplies (IGS) has taken delivery of four Titanium cutters at its Caldicot, Monmouthshire site as it gets ready to deliver them all imminently to existing...

Mutoh Hyd

Mutoh previewing new printers at Drupa

Mutoh is previewing two new printers at Hall 9, Stand B10 at Drupa.

Fujifilm Barberan Linney

Linney in world first with Fujifilm-Barberán single-pass inkjet

Linney has agreed a deal for the world’s first Fujifilm-Barberán HS Series single-pass inkjet press.

Dayfold NEW Right Way

Dayfold orders HP Indigo 18K

Dayfold has signed for HP’s new Indigo 18K Digital Press at Drupa.

Duplo + Multigraf 2

Duplo looks to the future with Multigraf buy

Duplo Seiko, part of the Duplo Group, has bought Swiss multi-finisher equipment manufacturer Multigraf as it looks to continue to expand its portfolio and leverage the two firms R&D capabilities.