


10678 results found


Last month’s listicle brightened with a few rays of sunshine

While March may have been on the damp side weatherwise, there were smatterings of sunshine in Printweek’s ranking of our most read stories. Chief among them were a brace of high-profile start-ups and,...

Leigh Wilson

Leigh Wilson bows out of industry after half century

Leigh Wilson, Intuprint technical sales manager and past MD of Midland Printers Supplies, will retire on 4 April after 52 years in the printing industry.

Koenig Bauer Dr Andreas Pleßke

Koenig and Bauer boss: ‘be bullish’

Koenig & Bauer CEO Dr Andreas Pleßke has urged the industry to “be bullish” about print and packaging’s strong sustainability story.


Fujifilm files patent claim against Kodak

Fujifilm has launched a legal action against Kodak, and claims that its Sonora processless plates infringe Fujifilm’s patents.

Inkcups Fespa

Inkcups announces mini pre-treatment system

Inkcups (2-C25) has expanded its portfolio with a downsized variant of its MagiCoat Pre-treatment System, announced during Fespa Global Print Expo.


Sunthinks shows off budget single-pass UV

Shenzen-based manufacturer Sunthinks has brought its flagship 50m/min single-pass 230mm UV printer for small signage and promotional material to Fespa.

Roland Dg Willems (1)

Roland DG shows off latest releases and Dimense buy

Roland DG has had a busy start to Fespa, presenting three new machines and celebrating its launch to market of the recently-acquired textured print specialist Dimense (now DG Dimense).


Marketing boss banned

The boss of a marketing services company has received a lengthy ban for abuse of the Bounce Back Loan scheme.

FD2 7 Arlon

Arlon Graphics demonstrates portfolio depth

Arlon Graphics (5-G108) has unveiled a new range of premium cast non-PVC substrates on its booth, where it is also hosting a series of competitions with exclusive prizes.

UPM Fespa

UPM Raflatac showcasing extended range at Fespa

UPM Raflatac (5-H49) has unveiled its expanded Graphics Solutions product range at Fespa Global Print Expo.