


20288 results found

HP Coolshock 6

Coolshock brings more work in-house with HP Latex 1500 buy

Brand activation specialist Coolshock has purchased a new HP Latex 1500 printer to enable it to bring more work in-house, allowing it to significantly speed up production and maximise profit on print...

Heidelberg DCW Penrose

DCW Penrose shuttered; kit sold at auction

Family-owned commercial printer DCW Penrose has sold off its printing kit at auction after appointing liquidators on 27 March.

01Slmarkva06 Cms

IFS lauds partners' premieres and Drupa importance

Intelligent Finishing Systems (IFS) has unveiled the key themes and product launches of its post-press kit manufacturing partners, which include Horizon and Tecnau, as it prepares for what it...

Vale Three Brothers Crop

Vale Press celebrates 40 years with RMGT purchase

Cotswolds-based Vale Press has celebrated its upcoming 40th anniversary with its purchase of a brand-new SRA1 press from RMGT, due for installation in January 2025.

Michael Kille MD Impress Print Services Fujifilm

Impress boosts digital firepower with Fujifilm trio

Impress Print Services has completed a re-equip of its sheetfed digital printing setup that has seen the award-winning business become a major customer of Fujifilm.

Sebastian Tillen Portrait V2

Inkcups Europe enhances support with new European service head

Inkcups has bolstered its customer support with the appointment of a new head of Europe service.

Hell Gravure Systems Premiumsetter D2000

Hell to showcase high-res direct plate engraver

Hell Gravure Systems will show a new high-resolution direct laser engraving system for rubber plates at Drupa.

Custom Shaped Pillow Body Cutout Try&Buy

Antigro launches ‘Try & Buy’ scheme

Print personalisation software firm Antigro Designer has partnered with Polish print-on-demand textile specialist Print Logistic to launch ‘Try & Buy’, a scheme where customers can try Antigro’s...


'Soft' trading in Q1 at Agfa

Sales at Agfa's digital printing wing fell in Q1, but the group expects the fruits of its new EFI partnership to come through later in the year.

Handshake 2

Huge bill printing contract leads new tenders

A bill printing tender worth over £50m is by far the largest of the currently available new print tenders available via the government’s Find a Tender service.