


14023 results found

Gill Tress SF Taylor

Q&A: Gill Tress, Business services director, SF Taylor

Gill recently celebrated a special landmark – 40 years of working at SF Taylor. She’s married with one son, Dominic, and her hobbies include travelling, socialising with friends, trying new foods and...

Darren Mcmurray PFI Group Rymack Sign Solutions

Puzzling out PFI’s M&A debacle

A rampant buy-and-build strategy does not automatically result in success – as ex-employees and creditors of PFI Group can sadly testify – so what was the strategy behind the massive growth plan?

NU COAT 01 Premises Exterior Printweek Article (17 11 2023)

Coatings clean & green

Nu-Coat prides itself on being the world’s first carbon-neutral manufacturer of self-adhesive products for the sign and graphics sectors. Only set up in 2018 and despite the challenges of lockdowns...

ESP Group Colorado

ESP buys Goldcrest Group

Swindon-based Handel Group, parent company to ESP Colour, has acquired the three companies of Goldcrest Group, doubling its digital business and adding wide-format and label printing to its roster.

21 366 Book Top Perspective Spread V1 1

Fedrigoni 2024 calendar pushes boundaries of generative design

Fedrigoni has launched a showcase charity calendar for 2024 with a two-day event at London’s Crafts Council.


Give the gift of print

If you are struggling to find a special something for a special someone, Printweek is here to help. Our annual Christmas gift guide is the go-to resource for the time-pressed and print-obsessed.


People moves at Walstead

People moves at Walstead UK have resulted in two of its plants being under new management.

Packeta Van

IDS shares jump, CWU welcomes Royal Mail exec departures

Shares in Royal Mail’s parent group have jumped on the back of rumours that it could make a bid for a continental parcels specialist.

Billy Hutchinson (Lesters Arms L2)

Lesters boss makes £1m pub investment

Lesters Packaging boss Billy Hutchinson will soon add ‘pub proprietor’ to ‘packaging printer’, after investing over £1m in transforming a derelict pub.

Royal Mail Building

Big increase in Royal Mail complaints

Compensation payments made by Royal Mail jumped by nearly 50% to £26.2m in 2022-23 according to a new report from Ofcom.