


12750 results found

Surf & Turf Render

60 seconds with Surf & Turf

Surf & Turf is a family-owned business, established in 2001, and best known for its custom-printed gazebos. The company’s journey began in an outhouse in founder Simon Lunt’s backyard.

Taopix Photo Products

Best of British: The road to success

Taopix was one of the first software developers to come up with a commercially successful system that allowed printers to implement web-to-print ordering for photobooks, since expanded to a range of...

Becky Young J Thomson Colour Printers V2

Becky Young, apprentice pre-press operator, J Thomson Colour Printers

Medicine’s loss is print’s gain! Becky is 19 and has been working at Glasgow-based J Thomson Colour Printers since April 2022.

GPE Amsterdam 2021

Fespa 2024 preview: Putting opportunity on display

Show organisers are preparing to open the doors for the Fespa Global Print Expo 2024, to be held in Amsterdam in March. 

Chris Pertwee Baddeley Brothers

Q&A: Chris Pertwee, production director, Baddeley Brothers 

Chris has worked in print since 1992. He started at the Financial Times newspaper aged 21 “which was quite the experience and baptism of fire into the world of print!”

SC V1000 3

Epson launches small-footprint UV flatbed printer for promo goods

Epson has unveiled an entry-level A4 UV flatbed printer to meet the needs of small businesses in the promotional goods industry.

Dtg Dtf

The direct approach to apparel

Printing to garments and other accessories is an excellent way to get into the growing apparel market, covering everything from promotional clothing through to fashion and sportswear.


EPR: is it workable?

The trade is well aware – or should be so by now – of the government’s Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging (EPR) legislation that aims to move the full cost of managing household waste onto...


A story of tax tails & investment dogs

There’s an old adage in the world of accounting: ‘don’t let the tax tail wag the investment dog’. In essence, we, whether as individuals or in business, shouldn’t make moves to minimise tax that might...

Ultimate Bindery Flow Diagram

Star product: Ultimate TechnoGraphics Ultimate Bindery 5.8

A unique solution for creating and testing finishing workflows.