


21683 results found

PCP Corporate Brochure

PCP under new ownership

Precision Colour Printing (PCP) has been sold to an investment firm that has further buys in its sights.

Peter Jolly And Clare Revell

Peter Jolly to leave HP

Peter Jolly, country manager for UK and Ireland at HP Industrial, has revealed that he is leaving the manufacturer to move on to pastures new.

Software Circle

Works Manchester collapse hits Nettl results

Sales at Software Circle print and design wing Nettl Systems have fallen by more than £1m due to the Works Manchester debacle and uncertain economic conditions.

TSUK Anti Greenwash Press Release April 2024 Web

Two Sides updates on global campaign success

Two Sides has so far challenged more than 2,650 organisations found to be communicating greenwashing messages to their customers since its inception, and over 1,180 have, so far, removed misleading...

Gratkorn Mill Image

Sappi Europe completes phase two of Gratkorn modernisation

Sappi Europe has completed phase two of a three-phase modernisation project at its Gratkorn Mill in Austria.

Cococo Illustration

New industry SaaS company CoCoCo launches

A new print SaaS company established by former colleagues from Zaikio has launched with the aim to “enable compatibility, connectivity, and collaboration across the print industry worldwide”.

Printed.Com New Factory Update invests over £1m in kit as growth continues has bolstered its production capabilities with investment of over £1m into its printing operations, including a second Canon VarioPrint iX3200 inkjet press.

Loadhog HSE Rotating Saw

Firm fined after worker's fingers partially severed

A returnable packaging specialist has received a six-figure fine after an agency worker was injured when using an unguarded table saw at its facility.


In case you missed them, April’s most read stories

The end of one technology era and the beginning of another dominated April’s listicle, where the challenges facing some in the trade finishing sector were writ large.

SC Keypoint Krisa Headshot001

Regulatory sea change represents a challenge and an opportunity

With the latest Earth Day still very fresh in our memories, our collective focus shifts towards our environmental footprint and the steps we can take to mitigate it.
