


30260 results found

DirecType ups personalisation ante with enhanced version

A new version of image personalisation software DirecType is set to be unveiled this summer.


DG3 expands with Newnorth deal, Page departs

DG3 has made another acquisition and has also parted company with long-serving managing director Barry Page.


Page Brothers buys Speedmaster CX 102 to up throughput

Book and journal printer Page Brothers has invested in a Heidelberg CX 102-5+L to increase its efficiency and productivity.


Williams Lea appoints ex-agency boss to Tag

Williams Lea is understood to have found a new figurehead for Tag Worldwide following the departure of chief executive Steve Parish, who leaves at the end of this calendar year.


Expanding Transeo Media set for PrintWeekLive! return

Transeo Media is set to make a rare trade show appearance when PrintWeekLive! takes over the Wasps Arena, Coventry, in March.

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Me & My: Zakeke visual commerce platform

Online personalisation can be big business in difficult times, if you approach it carefully. The early promise of personalised photobooks disappeared into the clutches of big suppliers who can use a...


SM Finishing adds personalisation with Videojet install

Trade finisher SM Finishing will move into the full personalisation mailing sector after purchasing a Videojet BX6000 Series Binary Array inkjet printer.

Creative Repro Company of the Year - Commended: Tag

Tag, having won this award two years on the trot, has this year been commended for its submissions, including work carried out for Ford with agency Ogilvy.


Serif launches Affinity Version 2

Software company Serif has launched Version 2 of its Affinity creative suite.

Personalisation is key claims Hibbert

Polestar chief executive Barry Hibbert has claimed that the future of the printing industry lies in digital print and personalisation.