


40301 results found


Newbury Weekly News acquired by newspaper veterans

Newbury Weekly News has been acquired by Edward Iliffe, of the Iliffe newspaper dynasty, and publishing magnate Peter Fowler under a new joint venture.


Rupert Murdoch quits as News International director

News Corporation has announced that Murdoch stepped down from a number of its UK and US boards on Saturday 21 July.

News International creates contract printing role

Newspaper giant News International has created a new role, which will look after contract printing at its print subsidiary Newsprinters.


Slated book print farmer changes name again

The company formerly known as Houseprint has changed its official name once again and complaints are still flooding in, with one client taking the business to a small claims court.

Milner steps down at News International

News International chief operating officer Clive Milner will step down at the end of the year after 30 years at the company.

Xant eyes small firms with Platemaker 5 CTP

Xant has announced the launch of the Platemaker 5, a pre-press system aimed at small commercial printers.


Star product: Caslon Adana 85C

A renaissance in craft print prompts the return of a favourite.


Briefing: Little for print to get excited about in 'Budget for growth'

In his epic struggle to balance the country's books, the chancellor had very little leeway for generosity. However, he did miss a couple of open goals

Value-added services and consultancy focus of PrintWeek breakfast briefing

Thirty delegates attended PrintWeek's Wide-Format Opportunity breakfast briefing to hear from three experts about the evolution of the market last week.


Tharstern demos first look at new Cloud product

Tharstern has revealed further details of its new cloud-based MIS, with an online demo attended by a worldwide audience of customers and potential customers.