Vpress launches free DAM model for Core series

Web-to-print software developer Vpress has announced the launch of a free Digital Asset Management (DAM) module for clients of its Core range of print management systems.

From 1 February, users of CorePrint, CoreDirect, CoreImpact and CoreQuick will gain access to CoreAssetManager, which allows storage and management of digital assets including spreadsheets and images.

Kelvin Bell, Vpress eCommerce manager, said that the company was trying to "break down the cost barrier for printers" who, historically, have been faced with overly complicated and expensive DAM systems.

He added: "In the past, investments in DAM systems by the print supplier could be in the thousands, often for a system from a third-party reseller, with the printer under pressure to invest in order to maintain or gain new contracts.

"Previously, for a print supplier to provide some form of DAM to clients, implementing it has been neither cost effective nor efficient. What we have achieved with CoreAssetManager is a ready-to-use, quick and easy-to-manage, pay-as-you-go module."

CoreAssetManager, which is fully supported, scalable and web-based, with no additional software or licences required, provides users with the ability to upload, find, crop and rotate their images.

Vpress plans to link CoreAssetManager with its CoreDirect personalisation module, which it said would provide a "fully personalised variable print solution".