Toilet humour puts print on a roll

The printing industry has a new hero - and her name is Emma.

She might be a figment of the imagination of creative minds at advertising agency Leo Burnett in Paris but Emma won the hearts of printers and paper suppliers after she had the last word on the paper vs digital debate. And her message has gone viral.

The long suffering paper champion is shown in a French online and TV advertisement for Le Trèfle toilet roll, which has been viewed more than 10m times on YouTube alone, alongside her partner - a man convinced that paper is obsolete.

He tuts and groans and waves his tablet in her face at every opportunity, miraculously avoiding the regular need to charge the device.

But she soon shows him paper is always more convenient.

One Emma fan, PrintWeek’s contributing editor Jo Francis, said: "It really is fantastic that these toilet paper people have inadvertently done us in print a favour."

Mais oui.