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"Web-to-print hasn´t reached its full potential yet"

Fabian Frenzel, new member of the management board of Unitedprint and responsible for Innovation/Marketing, shares his insights into the online giant’s strategy and an outlook on the future of...

Unlocking automation could be the key to your success

Few would dispute that automation can unlock success for any print business battling falling prices, shrinking margins, shorter turnarounds and the need to embrace e-commerce. However, the challenge...


Personalisation is more than a first name

According to recent research, brands are missing a trick when it comes to personalisation and this represents a significant opportunity for printers.

True collaboration is the key to success

It’s easy to claim to be customer focused, but where EFI differs is by putting true collaboration at the centre of its strategy to help its customers succeed. Read on to discover how EFI has helped...

International Paper’s JetStar™ range goes from strength to strength

The latest version of International Paper’s JetStar™ range broadens the possibilities of high-speed inkjet and opens up high-end applications that offset and pre-print grades have struggled to...