Telegraph is first to allow adverts over editorial on cover

Telegraph Media Group (TMG) has broken one of UK publishing's biggest taboos and featured an advert over its front page.

Contract newspaper printer Newsprinters produced a transparent cover wrap for The Daily Telegraph.

TMG partnered with HSBC commercial banking to launch the Business Thinking 2010 initiative last Tuesday (27 April).

To mark the launch, contract newspaper printer Newsprinters produced a transparent cover wrap for The Daily Telegraph – the first time the technique has been used in the UK, according to TMG.

Newsprinters used half reels of 63gsm translucent paper on one of its presses and also reduced the ink density on the press in order to produce the cover, which is fully biodegradable.

The move is an example of the changing views of newspaper publishers in the UK. Journalists have traditionally been protective of front covers, maintaining that news should take precedence over advertising.

However, in this instance, the wrap enables the masthead and front page headlines to remain clearly visible to the reader, while giving HSBC a place on the front cover of the paper.

Matthew Margetts, head of finance and corporate sponsorship at TMG, said: "We strive to find creative and innovative ways to make our clients’ campaigns stand out and we believe that the transparent cover wrap will be successful in achieving this."

The campaign is designed to encourage businesses to join a ‘thought exchange’ programme with like-minded companies from around the world.