MediaWeek to move online

Haymarket Business Media has announced that it is to halt the print edition of its MediaWeek title as part of plans to restructure its Brand Media group.

The 17 November issue of MediaWeek, which had an ABC circulation of 9,824 between July 2008 and June 2009, will be its last in print.

As part of the restructure, the MediaWeek brand, which has monthly web traffic in excess of 80,000 unique users, will continue as an online presence. A total of 18 editorial positions will be lost in Brand Media.

The publisher is to consolidate its marketing communications brands with Revolution to be distributed as a quarterly supplement with Marketing magazine, while its online-only brands Marketing Direct and Promotions & Incentives are to be integrated into Brand Republic.

Martin Durham, managing director and chairman of Haymarket Business Media, said: "We, like other media owners, have been hit by a combination of a severe advertising downturn and unprecedented structural change."

He added: "Our proposed restructure consolidates our marketing communications brands into a stronger and more integrated portfolio that puts them into a commercially sound position well-placed for the recovery.

"We will continue to provide the best and most comprehensive coverage of the marketing communications sector in print and online."

MediaWeek is printed by Wyndeham.