CFH Docmail wins slice of £1.2bn health services framework

CFH Docmail has been appointed to Lot 2 of the £1.2bn General Practice Systems of Choice (GPSoC) framework agreement for its hybrid mailing services, including Docmail and the newly-developed ROVa.

CFH is one of 30 suppliers appointed to Lot 2 Additional GP IT Services Framework, which is worth between £20m and £220m of the anticipated £325m to £1.2bn combined GPSoC spend (across all three lots).

The two-year framework has been set up by the Department of Health to "facilitate GP practice access to existing and new services and to facilitate supplier access to this market".

CFH Docmail managing director Dave Broadway said: "We are now the number one provider of mailing services to the medical and health services sector, with a 25% share of the hybrid mail market, and we are continuing to grow.

"Whether used alone, or as part of a patient management system, our patient communications solutions can make life considerably easier for admin staff, at a time when every minute and every penny matters."

CFH has been approved to supply four services, including its new ROVa application, which will launch in Q1 2015 and enables medical record access and facilitates communication between patients and clinicians.

CFH business development manager Victoria Coates said: "This will allow patients to receive their medical records and test results onto an app together with an explanation of what the results mean and any follow-up action they need to take.

"It will allow patients to manage and understand their own healthcare provision from home."

The other three services are the Docmail print and mailing system, Dotpost secure digital mailbox, and Docmail Plus, which integrates all three services with the GP's principal clinical IT system.

CFH's Docmail print and mailing service is already in use by 3,000 medical and healthcare providers across the UK and has been used to send more than 10m documents, including 8m in the current calendar year.

Coates said that CFH was projecting a 50% increase in print and mail volume next year due to the company's place on the GPSoC framework and added that the contract could lead to a £2.5m turnover boost for the Bath-based business.