Cost of living crisis among this year's worries

Bespoke print powers Xmas mental health message

Harry: “This year seems like it is particularly stressful"

Designer Liz Harry has called on the services of WTTB to produce an advent calendar with a difference.

Harry is a mental health advocate, and came up with the idea for a ‘Countdown Through Stressmas’ advent calendar, recognising that the festive season can also be a stressful time for many people.

She explained her thinking, and said: “This year seems like it is particularly stressful with all of the terrible things that are happening across the world and with everyone still having to cope with the cost of living crisis.

“And so I wanted to keep some of the fun of the festive season with my designs, but also give some helpful advice and support to see people through the run-up to Christmas.”

The £12 calendar contains milk chocolates, and includes messages designed to offer help and support, along with mindfulness tips.

Her bespoke design has been produced by WTTB as part of its seasonal product offering, and the calendar is available through Harry’s Etsy shop, which also includes a raft of other products including prints, cards and stationery featuring her distinctive designs.