Rising star: Hamza Loonat, business analyst and implementation manager, Paragon Customer Communications

Hamza is 22 and approaching the fourth anniversary of joining the industry as an apprentice at Paragon CC.

What did you study, and did you have a particular career in mind?

I did a Level 4 degree apprenticeship with Paragon CC as an alternative route to university after finishing sixth form. I didn’t have a particular career in mind as I wanted to learn a skill set and be able to apply that to whatever industry I may work in

How did you find your way into the industry?

Paragon CC offered one of the better apprenticeship programmes

Did you know anything about print beforehand?

Not at all!

What does your role entail?

I work very closely with clients to understand and document their requirements, so that I can take it back to the team to develop and implement a solution

What’s the most enjoyable or interesting thing about it?

I get to travel around the country meeting new people and learning something new

Do you have an ideal career path mapped out?

I’d like to continue to develop as a business analyst

What would be your dream job (print related)?

I’d like to work in a capacity that allows me to develop new solutions and implementations that we could offer to clients

What would be your dream job (not print related)?

A hybrid role somewhere between gardener, groundskeeper and animal carer – an engaging outdoor role that keeps me active

Do you have a ‘side hustle’?

Yes! I make South African-style Biltong (like beef jerky but better!). See @Biltong_BA on Instagram

What’s top of your playlist at the moment?

Lately I’ve been listening to a lot of old school R&B/Rap like Nelly, P Diddy, Mario, etc

What’s your most-used app?

Either Instagram (for business) or Snapchat (personal)

What has surprised you most about working in print?

How much it continues to change!

What could the printing industry be doing more of to entice millennials into print?

Advertise! Millennials have never had exposure to the industry, so with advertisement and education they’ll get to learn all about the range of roles and skills they can get involved with

If you ruled the world...?

I would overhaul the economy away from capitalism. I’m not against capitalism at all, but when you’re putting the earth and its resources at risk for the sake of profit, there’s a big problem