Last chance to register for the exclusive PrintWeek Directors briefing

A handful of places are still open for the PrintWeek Directors' Briefing next week, where three leading printers will talk about the small changes that made a big difference to their businesses.

The three confirmed speakers at the free event, produced in association with Fujifilm, are Park Communications managing director Alison Branch, ESP Colour managing director Anthony Thirlby and Tyrone Spence, chief executive of BCQ Group.

Branch will discuss unlocking the business benefits of good environmental practice to drive growth, Thirlby will detail how he turned a commercial print business into a one-touch manufacturing operation and Spence will reveal how the impact of the Buncefield oil refinery explosion on his company in 2005 changed his whole approach to business.

The afternoon event will take place on Monday 22 October at PrintWeek’s dedicated conference facilities in Hammersmith, west London from 1.30-4pm.

For more information and to reserve one of the few remaining seats at this exclusive event aimed at owners and directors of UK print businesses, visit: