Fresh thinking students provide a welcome bright spot

Working in the printing industry, where the average age is higher than the average waist size, I find myself spending a lot of time hanging around with old farts. In fact, I count myself among their number.

So it was refreshing to spend some time yesterday hanging out with fresh-faced young folk and viewing some exceptional print-based creativity. Printing techniques of various kinds featured heavily in the exhibition of final major work by students at the London College of Communication studying for a foundation degree in surface design. It's wonderful to see what an unfettered mind can come up with, and the work on show was of a universally high standard. Even the students' handmade business cards were a delight.

While print training in the conventional sense may be dead in the water, it's good to hear the LCC staff speak about how important it is for them to maintain hands-on printing facilities such as letterpress and screen printing, as well as more modern techniques such as inkjet printing. The LCC is blessed with some exceptional print technicians who combine expertise with a willingness to be experimental - they're certainly able to get some pretty amazing results out of a Mimaki.

I'm sure many of the students I met last night will be aiming for careers in fashion or other fields, but hopefully an appreciation of hands-on printing techniques may lead others to find new creative opportunities within our bit of print too.