Chelsea blues?

Proof that economic turmoil is generating at least a little bit of additional print arrived in today's post, in the shape of a promo mailer from the Royal Horticultural Society.

The one-piece mailer, in a simple but striking 4pp A5 single fold format, is plugging ticket sales for the Chelsea Flower Show. This is ironic because only yesterday I was tapping the opinions of a colleague from Horticulture Week magazine about whether it would be worth going to the show this year or not, given that credit crunch cutbacks have reduced the number of show gardens and exhibitors, but not, I imagine, the entry price.

I've never been on the receiving end of such promo from the RHS before, perhaps they do mailings like this for every show and it's just a coincidence that I'm on the list this year. But usually tickets for Chelsea sell faster than ice-cold Pimm's at what is the premier event of the gardening calendar and an upmarket social fixture to boot. So it's good to see print being deployed to endeavour that at least the crowds will be of the usual standard, even if the displays aren't.