APP products have no place here

My new copy of Private Eye has arrived, containing a piece that further highlights the recent depressing news about Asia Pulp & Paper, which is involved with a new logging scheme in Sumatra involving 124,000 acres of forest.The WWF's take on this matter can be found here.

Visitors to APP's website could easily come away with the impression that the firm is a model of environmental responsibility, thanks to its liberal use of green imagery. The home page carries the strapline "care for tomorrow".

Unfortunately, no matter how much APP denies that it is an environmental villain, it's hard not to view its protestations as greenwash. Organisations such as the WWF and Rainforest Alliance have cut ties with this company.

Paper made by APP companies is only sold by one or two UK merchants, but in my view that's one or two too many. Considering the good work done by the NAPM with its Two Sides campaign to fight back against misinformation and public misconceptions about paper, surely NAPM members should be sourcing paper from (the few remaining) UK mills and European mills with impeccable environmental credentials, rather than from questionable sources on the other side of the world.