Dani Novick

Talking Business: New regs covering the use of agency workers are nothing to be scared of

It is a curious thing, this recovery. There are genuine signs of business improvement and confidence is up. In fact, public sector aside, the only indicator remaining uncertain is the property market....

Scrapping the compulsory retirement age is unlikely to have a major impact

The government has announced plans to scrap the compulsory retirement age prompting equal amounts of praise and scorn. Lobby groups and charities, such as Age UK, which led the campaign to abolish the...

A decade of change has forced the print industry to become more sophisticated

As we at Mercury Search and Selection celebrate our 10th anniversary, it's interesting to see how much the print industry has changed over the past decade. Without doubt, the past 10 years have seen...

Understanding morale and motivation helps managers cope with tough times

There can be no doubt that the print industry has had a torrid time; consolidation, administration and redundancies have become so commonplace they hardly cause a stir any more.

The print business is too intimate to get away with lying to potential employers

It seems not a year goes by without a media storm building about people lying on CVs and job applications. High-profile cases such as those seen on The Apprentice do little to help. The public is at...