


41280 results found

Poli Tape Building Fedrigoni

Fedrigoni seals deal for Poli-Tape

Acquisitive Fedrigoni is back on the M&A trail and has agreed to buy a majority stake in Germany’s Poli-Tape Group.


Dalim Software to show workflow software at Drupa

German workflow software developer Dalim will demonstrate its Dalim Twist and ES software packages at Drupa.

Dom Chinea At Dayfold 1

The Repair Shop's Dom visits Dayfold

The Repair Shop’s Dom Chinea has turned to Dayfold Print to produce a suitably traditional box for his revival of Ranalah Wheeling Machines.


UK apprenticeship system needs reform, urges HR body

The UK’s apprenticeship system is desperately in need of an overhaul, according to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).


Friedheim to show off 13 manufacturer partners at Drupa

Post-press kit supplier Friedheim international will have 13 of its manufacturer partners exhibiting at Drupa 2024.


ePS appoints new CEO at print wing

eProductivity Software has appointed an AI and automation expert as the new head of its Print ePS business unit.


Big interview with Drupa’s Sabine Geldermann

In the second part of our conversation last month with Sabine Geldermann, director of Drupa and Portfolio Print Technologies, Printweek’s Richard Stuart-Turner asked about the show’s sustainability...

Smurfit Kappa Rotatek New Press

Smurfit Kappa Security Concepts invests £2.6m in new Rotatek

FTSE-listed packaging group Smurfit Kappa’s security print arm has invested €3m (£2.58m) in a brand-new custom press from Rotatek.

Langstane Press

Langstane MD retires after 50 years at firm

Aberdeen business supplies and print firm Langstane Press will see its first change in leadership in 37 years, as managing director Colin Campbell steps back from day-to-day duties.

Chris Payne Miraclon CEO

Miraclon: 'modern flexo' has visual parity with gravure, offset and digital

Miraclon will champion the advantages of ‘modern flexo’ at Drupa, drawing upon real-world examples from its customer base.