


15631 results found

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Buyer secured as Mailbox DM files NOI

Mailbox DM has found a buyer after the direct mail specialist filed a Notice of Intention to Appoint Administrators (NOI) earlier this week.

Dennis Maps Anniversary Team Pic

Dennis Maps celebrates first decade

Dennis Maps celebrates its 10th anniversary this month.


Election 2024: What it means for print

Prime minister Rishi Sunak has called a general election for 4 July, surprising many pundits with an earlier-than-forecast polling date.

CGS Oris Products

Screen takes over German software partner

Screen’s Graphic Solutions business has acquired long-term partner CGS Oris.


Friedheim to show off 13 manufacturer partners at Drupa

Post-press kit supplier Friedheim international will have 13 of its manufacturer partners exhibiting at Drupa 2024.


Big interview with Drupa’s Sabine Geldermann

In the second part of our conversation last month with Sabine Geldermann, director of Drupa and Portfolio Print Technologies, Printweek’s Richard Stuart-Turner asked about the show’s sustainability...

Chris Payne Miraclon CEO

Miraclon: 'modern flexo' has visual parity with gravure, offset and digital

Miraclon will champion the advantages of ‘modern flexo’ at Drupa, drawing upon real-world examples from its customer base.

Heidelberg DCW Penrose

DCW Penrose shuttered; kit sold at auction

Family-owned commercial printer DCW Penrose has sold off its printing kit at auction after appointing liquidators on 27 March.

Vale Three Brothers Crop

Vale Press celebrates 40 years with RMGT purchase

Cotswolds-based Vale Press has celebrated its upcoming 40th anniversary with its purchase of a brand-new SRA1 press from RMGT, due for installation in January 2025.


Exclusive: Big interview with Drupa’s Sabine Geldermann

With Drupa now just days away from opening its doors for its first in-person event in eight years, Printweek's Richard Stuart-Turner spoke to Sabine Geldermann, director of Drupa and Portfolio Print...