


10426 results found

Matt Foney (FERO Head Of Operations), Garry Woods (FERO Operations Director, Sandy), Neil Thayer (Finishline Machinery : Lamina UK & Irish Sales Agent

Fero in world first with new Lamina Packline SA

Fero Retail Marketing has become the world’s first installation of a clever new semi-automatic packing line from Lamina System, which the point-of-sale specialist helped to develop.

N Lecta Specialties Price Increase 555X310

Lecta and Sappi to increase speciality prices

Lecta and Sappi Europe will both implement price rises on speciality products from 1 April 2024.

Alan Bunter

Remous Group acquires Wincanton Digital Print in pre-pack

Remous Group has bought Wincanton Digital Print out of administration in a pre-pack deal, just over a month after it acquired Wells Printing in a similar deal.

Vutek H5+

EFI launches Vutek h+ series hybrid printers

EFI has unveiled the Vutek h3+ and Vutek h5+ hybrid flatbed/roll-fed LED printers.


Owners move to reassure Ancient House stakeholders

The owners of Ancient House Printing Group have moved to reassure suppliers and customers that the business will not be affected by a winding up petition filed against its former holding company, amid...

Stuart Mason V2

Graphic Warehouse to produce Stuart Mason business webinar series

Stuart Mason, author of ‘How to Wreck Your Business’, and the former head of Scottish print chain The Ink Shop, will host a business advice webinar series with Glasgow wide-format printer Graphic...

Greenshires Group Building 2 (1)

Greenshires Group files NOI

The future for Greenshires Group is unclear after the business filed a Notice of Intention to Appoint Administrators.

Jamie Cooke And Ben Ridgway, Co Founders Of Iamproperty

Iamproperty buys property mailing specialist Information Works

Property market tech firm Iamproperty has bought hybrid marketing firm Information Works.

Darren Mcmurray PFI Group Rymack Sign Solutions

Raft of McMurray firms flagged for overdue filings

A dozen ‘active’ businesses where PFI Group CEO Darren McMurray is listed as a director are now flagged as having overdue filings at Companies House.

Robin Pic

CMS in bumper kit and sustainability investment

Central Mailing Services (CMS) has invested around £1m in total on a new bespoke continuous printer and solar panel setup, as it commits to be as close to net zero as possible by 2028.