


21328 results found


Telegraph runs 'national newspaper first' scratch and sniff page

Telegraph Media Group (TMG) included a scratch and sniff competition page in Saturday's edition of <i>The Daily Telegraph</i>, which was printed in line with the rest of the paper.


Spineless Classics to sell one-page poster novels at John Lewis

London's Spineless Classics has sealed a deal with John Lewis to sell its Book On One Page posters in stores in time for Christmas.

QuarkXpress 5 beta demo

Quark is showing a beta version of QuarkXpress 5 in order to gain first hand user feedback before finalising its new features.

Inca launches personalisation pre-press package

Inca has launched a software tool for its wide-format presses that promises to streamline production, especially of versioned and personalised jobs.

SR rolls out Direct Smile personalisation offering

Direct mail printer SR Communications has launched its personalisation service.


Page Overton bought by security print specialist

A head-hunting business focused on the paper, printing and packaging sectors has been taken over after its managing director sold the business.


Denny Bros adds 12-page labels to Bart Spices jars

Denny Bros has produced 1.2m Fix-a-Form multi-page labels for Bart Spices.


YPP launches personalisation brand with help of DGI printer

YPP Group has taken on a DGI HSFT III sublimation printer in order to support a variety of personalised textiles applications for its newest subsidiary brand.

DirecType ups personalisation ante with enhanced version

A new version of image personalisation software DirecType is set to be unveiled this summer.


Screen previews cloud-based personalisation package

Screen has shown its cloud-based Variable Front-end Service, which it expects to commercialise by the end of 2013.