


13129 results found


Review of 2018: September

All the biggest stories from the past 12 months.

Developers ramp up leading image personalisation tools

Three developers of image personalisation and variable data software, DirectSmile, XMPie and DirecType, have announced developments and upgrades to their ranges.

Tag buys Vertis PRS and Admagic

Vertis has completed its exit from the European market by selling London pre-media divisions Vertis PRS and Admagic to rival firm Tag.


Review of 2018: June

All the biggest stories from the past 12 months.


Williams Lea Tag acquires Popcorn Global

Williams Lea Tag (WLT) has acquired end-to-end shopper marketing activation partner Popcorn Global to add advanced POS design and prototyping capabilities to its offering in this area.


Tag Systems’ parent company agrees cross-border merger

Vienna-based bank card manufacturer Austriacard has declared it will apply for listings on the Vienna and Athens stock exchanges and merge with Inform-Lykos, a data management and digital/security...


Lettershop launches hybrid tech personalisation press

Lettershop Group has officially unveiled its hybrid litho-four-colour inkjet personalisation system following two years of development and a 1.5m investment.


Go Inspire partners with Bloomreach on personalisation

Go Inspire has enlisted Bloomreach as its data and analytics partner to drive personalisation in campaigns.


Review of 2018: February

All the biggest stories from the past 12 months.


Review of 2018: April

All the biggest stories from the past 12 months.