Lucid Dream unveils online PDF editor and pre-flight tool

Lucid Dream Software is beta testing ArtAffirm, a new cloud-based PDF editor, pre-flight and layout tool that will allow printers' clients to pre-flight and correct their own artwork before submitting the print-ready files.

The software, which will run in all popular browsers and as a web app for the iPad, features simple, user-friendly design tools with editing options, including resizing, rotating, positioning, and layering.

It also has in-built PDF pre-flighting to flag up errors and help users learn how to create a print-ready PDF from all common formats, including PDF, EPS and image formats.

Print products range from single-sided business cards to multi-page photobooks, while sizes from postage stamps to posters and full press sheets can be assembled to spec using ArtAffirm.

Lucid Dream chief executive David Lewis said: "Our research shows printing companies are spending thousands of dollars every month simply touching client files. ArtAffirm can very substantially reduce these costs.

"We have one of the best web development teams in this industry. This software was developed using such technologies as Ruby on Rails, Cappuccino, C++, and AMQP – we have invested more than 10 years into the project."

ArtAffirm is available for OEM licence as a web framework for pre-press systems, to integrate with third-party web-to-print platforms, or pre-integrated with Lucid's own TribalSketch print storefront.

A spokeswoman for Lucid Dream said that the company will be distributing the product from the US during the beta phase.

"The company plans to set up distribution channels in the UK and EU once the product is fully released and are looking for suitable distributors," she added. "Currently there are no beta users in UK."

For more information or to sign up to the beta trial, visit