November is officially our Awards issue, with no fewer than 33 pages dedicated to the industry’s night of nights, but we also have features on planning for the worst, improving productivity and making the most of tax allowances.
On the technology front, we examine the impact AR has had on print and chart the rise of another UK innovator in our Best of British profiles, this time AB Graphic International. While KEP Print Group and Superior Creative review their Blackman & White Genesis-V and MBO Digi-Folder respectively. November’s Star Product is Kornit’s Avalanche PolyPro.
Finally, this month’s briefing section covers the colour trends shaping print and the industry’s reaction to the snap election, not to mention a profile on Leach.
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The November issue of Printweek is out now and it’s jam-packed with in-depth features and analysis on some of the hottest topics in print, click here to find out more…