New year predictions: Karl Ciz, Zaikio

Ciz: Data accuracy makes everything plain sailing
Ciz: Data accuracy makes everything plain sailing

Karl Ciz, partner manager at Zaikio, is cautious of rough waters ahead in 2023 but believes industry suppliers can help to steady the good ship print.

What do you feel were the main trends and key industry developments in 2022?
There was a trend for unforecast storms, many captains had to steady their ships. It feels very much like we are all sailing the same unsteady waters.

How have the numerous economic, political, and supply chain challenges that have dominated 2022 affected you and your customers, and how have you had to react?
We have been sailing close to the supply ships, many of whom are our partners. We’ve seen huge waves, prices up, availability down, the sea of change is unpredictably choppy.

How have your relationships with customers and their expectations from you as a supplier changed in the past 12 months?
We have seen a way to stay afloat by innovating, full throttle. Engaging the engine of entrepreneurship, keeping barnacles at bay by ever expanding and improving product lines and services. The good ship 'Print' has faced challenges, but no challenge, as yet, has been too big. It feels very much like a shared set of challenges.

What do you expect to be the main trends, key industry developments, and biggest opportunities for printers in 2023?
The outlook is stormy, and somewhat unpredictable, but as the pressure passes the stability and favourable conditions will return. We just need to keep riding the wave, secure in the knowledge that no storm lasts forever.

How can suppliers better help printers navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities in 2023?
We encourage all suppliers to be as accurate with data as possible. Everybody benefits when data is easy to access and up to date - it makes for easier calculation, planning, purchasing, and is good for both supplier and customer - it makes everything plain sailing.

How can suppliers do more to promote the effectiveness of print to the broader business community?
By promoting the hybrid approach to all communications. In foggy conditions you want to use radar, or a lookout, not just the horn.

Note: This prediction is taken from a special Briefing article in the new issue of Printweek featuring insights from industry suppliers, hence it does not follow the same question template as the other predictions.