Kestrel pair in 1000-mile charity bikeride

Wyndeham Kestrel has revealed that two of its employees are planning a gruelling charity bike-ride from Lands End to John O'Groats on a "Le2Jog tour" this Easter.

Adam Lovick and Stuart Taylor, both packaging repro operators at the Witham, Essex site, plan to complete the 1000-mile trip in ten days and will start on 5 April, raising money for the Leukaemia Research Foundation.

Taylor said: "We've done a one off trip of 100 miles in our training so far, but it's going to take a lot of stamina to do this back to back for ten days."

Lovick said: "It really is the holy grail of riding, from one end of your home country to another."

Their route avoids busy main roads, and the two will be completely self-sufficient, carrying all their own cooking equipment and camping each night.

To pledge support and to donate to the Leukaemia Research Foundation visit