Friedheim gets kit sales boost

Friedheim International has rounded off 2005 with its strongest sales of Schneider guillotines in over a decade.

"They are the fastest and safest guillotines on the market and that's reflected in our sales," said Friedheim post-press division national sales manager Stuart Bamford.

The most popular guillotine in the range, according to Bamford, is the B1 hydraulic JDF compatible Schneider 115H.

Recent installs for the Hemel Hempstead-based post-press supplier include 115Hs at Nottingham-based BG Watson & Co, Garnett Dickinson in Rotherham, and Banbury, Oxfordshire-based Whatmans International.

"The beauty of the 115H is there is one top-of-the-range model that does everything, representing excellent value for money," said Bamford.