Enfocus plans to show Crossroads potential at Ifra Expo

EskoArtwork-subsidiary Enfocus is gearing up to demonstrate the full potential of its Crossroads workflow automation initiative at this month's Ifra Expo in Amsterdam.

Enfocus will be demonstrating its core Switch workflow suite in conjunction with third-party applications from its "Gold program" partners Alwan, Callas Software and Elpical.

David van Driessche, director of marketing at Enfocus, said: "We have seen many exciting and innovative automation projects using Enfocus Switch as the core.

"Ifra Expo gives us a golden opportunity to demonstrate how Enfocus and Crossroads partners can enhance the workflow options for the newspaper and publishing sectors."

Visitors to the show will be able to see PDF pre-flight and correction software from Callas and Enfocus, image enhancement software from Elpical, as well as Alwan's PIA/GATF InterTech Award-winning CMYK Optimizer.

The technologies of Enfocus' partners will be integrated with the Ghent-based company's software, to form a larger Switch-based automated production workflow.

In addition to launching its Crossroads partners program, which features bronze, silver and gold membership, Enfocus plans to create a website and online community, as well as a forum and blog to promote live interaction between vendors, integrators and users.