Random House production director launches debut book

Random House divisional production director Neil Bradford finds himself in the happy position of having his name on the front cover for once - his first book <i>Sons of Thunder</i> will be published this week.

Described as "an ode to all-things fast, intense and exhilarating", long-time motorcycling fanatic Bradford has compiled an eclectic selection of writing about life on two wheels, featuring a diverse mix of authors including Roald Dahl, Theresa Wallach and Hunter S. Thompson.

Bradford, pictured second left with industry friends and books hot off the presses at MPG Books in Bodmin gives suitably fulsome thanks in the book’s acknowledgements to typesetters Palimpsest, designer Peter Ward, paper suppliers Paper Management Services and Arctic Paper, and of course MPG.

He said: "I’ve seen many hundreds of our books coming off the presses and binding lines of the UK, Europe and Asia but it was absolutely exhilarating and not a little moving to see my own emerge in Bodmin a month or so ago. MPG and everyone else associated with the book have been wonderful partners in the production so hopefully it will be well-received in the trade."