Push Print and Antalis McNaughton team up to create commemorative design book

Branding agency Form has selected Push Print and Antalis McNaughton to collaborate on its 21st anniversary commemorative book.

Form has  commissioned Push Print to produce 850 limited edition books to accompany its exhibition at its Blackhall Studios.

The book details Form’s projects from the past 21 years, showcasing collaborations with Damien Hirst, East 17, Rankin and Elbow among many others.

Push Print has worked with Form on a number of brochures in the past 16 years, and Push Print’s Danny Kirk said the good relationship with founders Paula Benson and Paul West has been key to creating the book.

He said: "Paul and Paula has a clear idea of what they were looking for so we worked with them right through to create the piece.

"They wanted high impact in the initial pages, so we selected Antalis McNaughton’s Rives Sensation Textile Matt paper to create the intensity needed for Form’s fluorescent green corporate colour."

Form said that the Rives paper took the images, colour and ink better than previous uncoated papers used and was suitable to display the small text detailing all Form’s work over the past two decades.

However, Form selected Antalis McNaughton’s Trucard Gloss one-sided board for the cover to create a tactile feel for the outside and laid down a UV varnish to create impact on the inside coated cover. The company was keen to create an uncoated cover to avoid fingerprints smudging the image.

Form co-founder Paula Benson said: "Trucard hit the nail on the head for taking our corporate colour on a graphical board and has great textural contract from Rives ‘toothy’ feel."

The book was printed on a Heidelberg CX102L in four colours with company’s fluorescent green colour. The press was set up with four-colour black to achieve the dense black coverage on prepress areas.

The books will be distributed to clients and private viewers of the exhibition, which includes taster sessions with design industry figures, held at Form’s Blackhall Studios from 7 to 13 June.

Benson added: "The result of great design meeting great printing and paper is a beautiful piece which commemorates our 21st anniversary perfectly."