Manroland shows off HiPrint's print prowess in an open house

PrintWeek India, April 5 - Manroland India held an open house for leading packaging and commercial printers at the HT Media's (HTML) commercial printing unit in Noida on 5 March 2010 in Delhi NCR.

The event was attended by 85 people. 25 members from HTML and Manroland along with 60 printers from Delhi NCR, Maharashtra and Gujarat attended the event.

The Manroland India team with Raj Nargis, Neeraj Dargan, were present along with Leopold Von Der Gabelentz, executive delegate to India.

There were a series of presentations which highlighted the high-end value-added applications that the Roland 700 HiPrint can produce. Ajay Madan, general manager, commercial printing, HTML said: "HTML's sheetfed unit is common for Burda and HTML or any commercial customer.

"This is being used for all commercial printing jobs like magazine printing, annual reports, book publishing, inserts and other valued added print applications."

Tony Kenney  who is associated with Manroland for the last  23 years, highlighted the features which HiPrint could offer.

Raj Nargis, managing director of Manroland India, said: "This sheetfed investment from HT Media will complement their gravure unit for short run commercial print demands."

Ranjan Garg, vice president, supply chain HTML said: "New strategies require novel solutions. The new sheetfed acquisition is a milestone for our value added print service requirements with optimal production requirements."

HTML publishes English and Hindi dailies: the Hindustan Times and Hindustan, which has a combined circulation of 2.25 million copies.