Communisis unveils results of client-driven strategic review

Communisis is to cut around 80 jobs as part of a strategic review to save 4m a year and "align its business and proposition in a way that better suits the direction of its marketplace and the demands of its customers".

In a statement this morning, Communisis announced plans to consolidate the logistics side of the business into Newcastle, with the Leicester facility expected to close by June 2011. Around 50 staff are currently in consultation over the move.

The print management company, which is repositioning itself as a marketing services provider, has also announced a middle management re-shuffle, which could result in another 30 redundancies.

However, the company also said that it would be investing in new skills, particularly in data management and document composition, which "will result in increased employment elsewhere in the business".

Chief executive Andy Blundell said that the company also expected to invest in a second HP T300 in early 2011, having installed the UK's first in March.

He said: "We see this as a positive statement. We previously announced a strategy for the business going forward and this announcement is bringing the business in-line with that strategy."

"Obviously restructuring is a part of it, but we also plan to scale up our creative business quite significantly, there has been a lot of growth in that area. As the business grows you need proportionally fewer skills in one area and more in other areas and this move reflects that.

"We need to reshape the organisation, we have a new structure, with two clear strands of the business and we are now catching up with that structure, certain management positions will become redundant moving forward, but we are venturing into certain areas as well."

The company said that the restructure would yield ongoing savings of around £4m, half of which will be reinvested in "additional skills", which Blundell said would include upgrading the existing workforce's skill set, as well as adding to staff numbers in certain areas.

Communisis' share price rose 5.5% to 28.75p on the announcement.