
Review of 2017: February

All the biggest stories from the past 12 months.

Seasonal grafters deliver festive spirit

It may be the most wonderful time of the year but for print, Christmas can also be the busiest.

Is a ‘Brexodus’ depleting UK factories of vital workers?

UK manufacturers are struggling to plug a workforce gap resulting from high employment levels and dwindling numbers of EU workers.

The only way is ethics? God forbid

It is not a common occurrence, and it’s even rarer that it catches the eye of the media, but every so often a high-profile case arises in which a customer is refused a service because it conflicts in...

How well can UK printers fare in international markets?

As time ticks away on the Brexit clock, one of the few things we can be quite certain of is the high degree of uncertainty among businesses about a future outside the EU. Negotiations between Downing...

New guard recognises print’s value

As digital technologies continue to make their evolutionary impact on everything from news and advertising consumption to data storage, analysts and onlookers seem to declare print to be dead with...

How is the print industry supporting the hardest to help?

Many of us have been told to ‘man up’ or ‘get a grip’ at some point in our careers – but the days when they were the stock response to someone suffering from mental illness are, thankfully, by and...

More brands buy in to the luxury look

It’s an exciting time to work in luxury packaging, if a new study from Smithers Pira is to be believed. The print and packaging consultancy says more and more brands are recognising the value that...

How can print benefit from the booming creative industries?

In a recently published review commissioned by the government and headed up by ITV chairman Sir Peter Bazalgette [see boxout], the wide variety of disciplines that make up the creative industries and...

Bob’s your uncle... and also finance director on weekdays

While the idea of working with relatives might not appeal to everyone, family-run firms continue to thrive in the print landscape, with many among the industry’s most successful names.

Landa’s tech now faces its true test

There aren’t many industry bosses who would choose to stand up in front of their customers, and talk for more than an hour about their family background and formative years.

How is business confidence faring in the devolved nations?

According to research from accountancy firm UHY Hacker Young, entrepreneurs are four times more likely to start a business in London than in the Vale of Glamorgan.

Has email been pipped by the post?

With technology ever advancing, the past few years has seen an inevitable digital overload that has in some cases led to a resurgence for more traditional, tactile mediums.

Industry responds to tribunals ruling

Celebrated by many as a victory for working people over the elite, a Supreme Court battle brought by public sector union Unison against the government led to the scrapping of tribunal fees in late...

Print may be a strong player but throughput could be better

On the face of it, current labour productivity levels in the UK are pretty dire to say the least. Last month’s Office of National Statistics (ONS) figures show that hourly output fell 0.5% in Q1 of...