Killer App

Celloglas slimes up glow-in-the-dark Ghostbusters cover

At around 70,000 copies sold per issue, Empire magazine is proof that the sector is far from moribund. However, it did want its March 2024 issue to be a bit more dead – or rather, undead.

Embrace wraps up at Merry Hill

Merry Hill shopping centre near Dudley has been undergoing a five-year, £50m metamorphosis. One of the largest such centres in the country, it features over two hundred shops, a bus station and a...

Photographer takes a punt with Cambridge book

Martin Bond has been taking a photo of Cambridge – its people, buildings and animals – every day for the past 13 years.

Killer app: Disc jockey printers stay vinyl-free for vegan eatery

Print Station has an unusual origin story. Starting off as a team of DJs rocking the kasbah at weddings and bar mitzvahs, the company of disc-spinners realised it could offer print as an additional...

Charity proves Contagious for Winchester College

Sent to thousands of homes in 45 countries, Winchester College’s Wykeham Journal is a vital part of the college’s charitable fundraising.

"The vehicle is used for deliveries most days, so we had to work around that too"

Killer App: Minuteman Press Bath dresses van to plug city festival

The past few months have seen several major cultural events that generated large amounts of print – the Coronation of King Charles III and Eurovision in Liverpool to name two – but the usual busy...

Killer App: Labour of love for debut author’s print

While writers joke about a novel being their ‘baby’, the reality is that first-time parents can be forgiven for a little trepidation seeing their creation come into the world.

Killer app: Wall art that's off the scale

The Photographers’ Gallery recently launched the Soho Photography Quarter (SPQ), a cultural space presenting free open-air exhibitions and projections. It is currently displaying Fire/Flood, an...

Killer App: No room for Scilly errors

As the year draws to a close, most people will just now start thinking about replacing the calendar that by this point hangs on the wall from a precarious single page. Robert Sanger, however, has been...

WPG provides the personal touch for Down syndrome story book

Building a reputation for reliability is vital in the printing industry, but there are some jobs where it is worth more than just money to get it right.