
Oiling the wheels of commerce

Trade associations aren’t anything new. A look back through history shows that in France chambers of commerce previously served as agencies of officially controlled public commercial institutions.

£6,000 bursary available again for BPIF masters degree

The Stationers’ Foundation and The Printing Charity have renewed their support for the BPIF masters programme by once again offering a bursary of £6,000.

Seasonal boost stimulates slight recovery in industry confidence

A healthy seasonal boost ensured that 2018 finished stronger than it started for the UK printing industry, at least as far as the volume of output and orders are concerned, according to the BPIF’s...

Industry output bounced back in Q3

The UK printing industry rebounded from a lacklustre Q2 to match its positive forecast for Q3, at least in terms of output volumes, according to the BPIF’s latest Printing Outlook.

Industry output and orders matched downbeat forecast in Q2

The UK printing industry almost exactly matched its downbeat expectations for Q2 in terms of output and orders, according to the BPIF’s latest Printing Outlook, but the forecasts for Q3 suggest some...

BPIF chief says print will 'adapt, adjust and thrive' as Brexit nears

BPIF chief executive Charles Jarrold is confident that the print industry is well positioned to navigate the challenges ahead as Brexit draws closer.

BPIF urges printers to sign up to Climate Change Levy reduction scheme

Soaring energy prices have prompted the BPIF to renew its calls for companies to sign up to its Climate Change Levy reduction scheme as the deadline looms.

Entries sought for two industry awards

The BPIF is calling for entries into two awards schemes dedicated to passed print luminaries that aim to support industry professionals looking to advance their careers.

New support for BPIF trainees and apprentices

The Stationers' Company and the BPIF have bolstered their commitment to training the next generation of print professionals with the renewal of the Stationers' bursary programme and the introduction...

Tighter immigration controls could hit print

Industries like print will suffer if Theresa May implements harsh immigration controls after Brexit, according to the director general of the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC).

BPIF Outlook reports muted growth in Q4 with no seasonal boost

The BPIF has released its latest Printing Outlook study of the health of the industry, reporting muted growth in Q4 without the usual seasonal boost.

BPIF launches new colour quality scheme

The BPIF has launched version three of its colour quality scheme.