Overmatter: mlutipel ytpos

Overmatter is grateful to Douglas Connor for alerting us to a whole new way of describing a print-based blooper.

It was a case of red faces all round at SPFL Ladbrokes League Two side Annan Athletic when tickets to its match against Queen’s Park last month were produced with not one typo, not two, and not even a mere hat-trick of typos. The typos were actually so abundant it was difficult to count them all: from Lbdrokes instead of Ladbrokes, Queehs instead of Queen’s, complimentagy instead of complimentary, and all topped off with a Premier League price tag of £62 a ticket.

Overmatter likened it to what might happen if a cat had walked across the keyboard while an artwork file was open, and it was amusing to see Annan’s follow-up tweet involving a panda seated at the controls for the next ticket setup. The club (or should that be bluc) apologised for a “short circuit moment”, which we suppose makes a change from the dreaded “printing error”. 

As Douglas sagely pointed out: “Remember when (and why) we had proof readers in print.”
