
Mercian Labels invests in Xeikon Color Control

Specialist self-adhesive product manufacturer, Mercian Labels, has invested in Xeikon's cloud-based colour management tool, Xeikon Color Control.

MTA Digital opts for EFI for MIS and W2P spend

MTA Digital has invested £60,000 in MIS and web-to-print software to improve its efficiency and expand its markets.

ImageData Group crowns digital upgrade with UK's first Xerox iGen 150

ImageData Group has installed the UK's first Xerox iGen3 150 at its Brighton site to extend the range of work produced through the machine's higher image quality and productivity.

Doveton doubles its LinoPrint line up as Heidelberg UK heads for 40 installs

Doveton Press has become the first UK printer to install two Heidelberg LinoPrint C901 digital presses, having installed a second unit a year after installing the first.

Label Smith take leap in digital labels

Pasadena, TX-based The Label Smith has become one of the latest label operations to embrace digital technology, following the installation of a Xeikon 3500 digital color press.

Statex turns to Heidelberg for litho and digital upgrade

Newcastle-based commercial printer Statex has boosted its print capability with a double installation including both litho and digital kit.

HP Indigo targets last silver halide photo apps with new Indigo and alliances

HP launched a web-fed Indigo aimed at replacing silver halide photo printing and unveiled partnerships covering workflow and finishing to support the new machine at a Photo Summit held in Barcelona...

Ricoh launches digital versus offset cost comparison tool

Ricoh has launched a digital vs offset cost calculator as part of its Business Driver Programme to help its customers choose the most appropriate print technology for different jobs.

Heidelberg makes VLF and packaging appointments

Heidelberg has established a Very large Format and Postpress Packaging division, appointing company veteran Stefan Hasenzahl to head it up.

Taylor Brothers makes digital foray

Bristol family-run litho printers Taylor Brothers is making its first move into digital after choosing a Heidelberg Linoprint C901.