
EBB: new tree planting scheme is fully certified for traceability

EBB adds carbon offsetting scheme

Elliot Baxter & Co (EBB) has teamed up with Carbon Footprint on a new carbon offsetting scheme that plants trees in the UK and also helps avoid deforestation in the Amazon.

SAPC's premises feature one of Cornwall’s largest roof-based solar panel arrays​

St Austell becomes carbon balanced printer

St Austell Printing Company (SAPC) has become an official Carbon Balanced Printer.

UPM Solide: versatile range for a variety of applications

UPM launches new food-safe kraft papers

UPM’s Speciality Papers division has launched a new range of food-safe kraft papers including a new translucent paper that can be used as an alternative to plastics.

TerraCycle: aiming to recycle tricky objects that are now increasingly part of daily life

TerraCycle targets waste PPE with new boxes

TerraCycle has introduced new ‘Zero Waste Boxes’ for PPE materials, as it bids to find a sustainable solution to the problems around PPE ending up as litter or landfill.

Calixto with Invest NI CEO Kevin Holland

MSO Cleland in £5m expansion

MSO Cleland has invested in state-of-the-art printing and finishing kit as part of a £5m spend to expand its packaging operations that will also create 35 new jobs.

Royal Cosun works with around 9,000 Dutch sugar beet growers

CVG uses sugar beet pulp in new grade

Crown Van Gelder is gearing up to make paper using sugar beet fibres on an industrial scale, in what it believes is a world first.

New straw: hours of consumer testing to combat issues like sogginess

Ribena begins paper straw trial

Ribena has teamed with Transcend Packaging to develop a bendable paper straw for its juice cartons – the first major juice brand to do so.

Walker: "Once you're on the scheme the administration of it is fairly light"

BPIF welcomes extended timeframe for climate change scheme

The BPIF has welcomed the government's decision to keep the Climate Change Agreement (CCA) scheme open to new entrants until 30 November 2020.

New board topper also enhances the brand

Heineken cans plastic rings for board alternative

Heineken UK is replacing plastic rings with a new cardboard topper on multi-pack tins of Heineken, Foster’s and Kronenbourg 1664.

ReactivAir: keeps graphics clean while removing pollution

Gardners gobbles up pollution with new coating

Gardners has launched an innovative coating option that keeps outdoor printed surfaces clean and has the added benefit of ‘eating’ air pollution.