
Has Creditsafe put printers’ ratings at risk?

During the past month, a quiet crisis has been spreading across the print industry, sparked over the August bank holiday weekend by an upgrade to corporate credit report provider Creditsafe’s ratings...

Timsons shape-shifts for digital future

Bespoke UK litho book press manufacturing came to an end this month when Kettering-based Timsons ceased production of its conventional book presses to concentrate on the manufacture of digital presses...

Ink price hike fears grow as manufacturers’ margins shrink

While there is generally a more buoyant mood in the industry at the moment, there is an increasingly insistent murmur that ink prices may be on the rise.

The UK will never be the same again, whatever the outcome

This Thursday, some 4m Scottish residents will head to the polling booths to answer a simple yes or no question: Should Scotland be an independent country?

Don’t write off DM yet, it’s getting smarter, not just smaller

On the face of it, last month’s annual Ofcom Communications Market Report would have made pretty grim reading for the print industry: volumes are down, direct mail spend is down and the CWU is issuing...

Kathy’s legacy lives on

The death of the BPIF chief executive left the industry bereft of one of its most persuasive and positive voices and much saddened by the loss.

Heidelberg slashes post-press offering

Back in June, Heidelberg chief Dr Gerold Linzbach didn’t beat around the bush when it came to telegraphing his intentions for parts of the group that were described as “less strategic”.

Ink costs are key to high-speed inkjet

It’s a regular staple of the tabloid press, a shock-horror headline stating that consumers are paying more for their desktop printer ink than they’d pay for vintage champagne.

Content agency stablemate may offer new start for Polestar

The acquisition of River Group by Sun European Partners, owners of Polestar since April 2011, could be the start of a new chapter for the UK’s largest magazine printer.

The sorry tale of Global MP comes to an ignominious end

On 30 September 2013, an announcement popped into PrintWeek’s inbox. It said: “St Ives Direct Bradford sold to Cogent B2B.”

‘Digital-first’ isn’t the end of print

Those reading a sentence like this one for the first time in print, rather than on a smartphone, tablet or other digital device, will soon be in the minority. Modern society is in the process of...

Mergers and acquisitions return to pre-downturn levels

The past quarter brought such a flurry of global M&A activity that, with two weeks still to go, it had already reached a level not seen since 2007. In Europe, it was the busiest quarter for at least...

Has processless reached critical mass?

Is Kodak right, and has the adoption of process-free printing plates reached a tipping point akin to that of CTP taking off?

Government details plans to tackle late payments to SME

Late payment from customers to suppliers is an ongoing problem that can have severe consequences for small businesses. Not being paid on time hurts companies financially because it creates cashflow...

Can Xerox secure the inkjet crown?

How about this for a stat? Last year, Xerox sold a record number of iGens. Who knew?