Harrods inspires with powerful print format

Something arrived in the post at PrintWeek Towers today that provided a fresh appreciation of one of print media's unique selling points.

The package came from Harrods, and included its customer magazine (172pp of glossy, thick-papered loveliness) along with a copy of 'Harrods Times' a 44pp A3 format faux newspaper product, complete with silver foiled masthead.

The publishing team at Harrods are celebrating their latest ABC figures, which show an increase in circulation of 55,000 to just under 105,000 copies. Nice.

Both items are an exercise in print, paper and repro gorgeousness. Kudos to pre-media provider Zebra, printer Wyndeham Roche and print manager HH.

While salivating over the edition of Harrods Times, a watches special, I was struck by the impact achieved through reproducing an array of fabulous timepieces in this large format. Turning the page to find a stunning Van Cleef & Arpels watch taking up an entire A3 page is an attention-grabbing reader experience. The dial alone is fully 20cm across.

Throughout the publication this use of the available page scale to reproduce exquisite things at large sizes really is extremely powerful. I just can't see it working anywhere near as well on a backlit screen, even one as high-def as an iPad.

This treatment also chimes with Sir Martin Sorrell's comments regarding WPP's results, announced today. He said: "Instead of investing in plant and equipment, companies are investing in brand and trying to build sales and market share."

Something to bear in mind for anyone pitching print promotional ideas - this Harrods luxe newspaper would appear to be a perfect example of doing just that, using a striking format to achieve a point of difference.

Such is the level of watch-lust generated, I've even found myself thinking that ?58,200 for a Boucheron Crazy Jungle Seahorse watch would be an entirely reasonable use of such funds, were they to become available... For Harrods' super-rich patrons no doubt such an item could easily be an impulse buy, and I imagine that sales of the watches featured will be up due to this imaginative and captivating use of print.