Bold move from Quad

Major print happening across the big pond, where Quad/Graphics is to acquire World Color Press. World Color, of course, being famous as the remaining business of what was Quebecor World.

Here in Europe there's no immediate impact. Quebecor World's European operations were sold off in May 2008 and now trade as CirclePrinters. I'm sure Circle's owners HHBV will be watching developments closely, though, especially as their plans to create a pan-European behemoth by buying Roto Smeets as well were stymied due to a lack of available funding.

Quad had previously seemed to be more interested in expanding its operations to territories beyond the Americas (I wonder if it ran the rule over Roto, too?). It's intriguing that the firm - which proudly proclaims its status as the world's largest privately-owned printer and always seemed keen to keep it that way - has opted to pursue this particular acquisition strategy as it will also mean the enlarged business' shares will go public. So this $5.1bn behemoth will also be subject to the vagaries of the market, not always a happy place to be.

Culturally, the two companies couldn't be more different and it will be fascinating to see how these previously fierce competitors mesh together. Equally interesting will be whether the group's EBITDA margins end up at the World Color end of the scale (9.7%) or at Quad's (17.6%).

Quad has an impressive record, but big definitely doesn't always mean better in print as the results of various mega-mergers have demonstrated - including the one that created Quebecor World.